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Ghost town in a sentence

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Sentence count:25+1 Only show simple sentencesPosted:2017-11-02Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: ghostghostlyghost imageghostwritergive up the ghostadjust tocontrast toin contrast toMeaning: n. a deserted settlement (especially in Western United States). 
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1. Mogadishu is said to be a virtual ghost town, deserted by two-thirds of its residents.
2. I just put my mind ghost town guest a widow.
3. They stumble across a ghost town inhabited by a rascally gold prospector.
4. It's been a ghost town since the gold rush ended.
5. It looked like a ghost town; it was beautiful.
6. Sumner became a ghost town; his parish failed.
7. We think it's going to make Darlington a ghost town.
8. The latter was now a veritable ghost town with its derelict buildings holding up false-front facades in the fashion of Hollywood sets.
9. Already by early March(, Verdun had become a ghost town.
10. In a ghost town, silent and deserted as the Marie Celeste, I gave myself a history lesson.
11. Mondano was as deserted as a ghost town, wrapped in the silence of its siesta.
12. Otherwise the Gaza streets are completely empty ghost town.
13. Wickles has led us into a terrifying ghost town!
14. Is it possible a ghost town?
15. Two weeks ago Gori was a ghost town,[] occupied by Russian troops.
16. Ghost town of Djado is steeped in moonlight and mystery.
17. The place has been like a ghost town since they built the new bypass round it.
18. The airport was like a ghost town, the terminal was empty and eerily silent.
19. Belgrade was like a ghost town at Slobodan Milosevic's appointed hour.
20. Macau has the feeling of a ghost town or something out of a twilight zone episode.
21. "Sirte is becoming a ghost town, " said resident Salim Omar as he passed a checkpoint manned by revolutionary forces on the city's western outskirts.
22. I stayed in the one house left standing, a guest house in a ghost town of cracked jambs and gaping doorways.
23. The mine was worked on and off again until 1955, and then Mowry became a ghost town.
24. New labor laws forced the sweatshops to evacuate , leaving SoHo a ghost town a makeover.
25. Its strutting brass, anxious lyrics and eerie vibe is dimly reminiscent of The Specials' Ghost Town.
More similar words: ghostghostlyghost imageghostwritergive up the ghostadjust tocontrast toin contrast topost testset to workhosta man about townhostelhostilehostagehostlerhostesshonest-to-goodnesshostelryyouth hostelhostilityair hostesshost countryhostilitiesorthostaticbottommostdefinitive hosthostile witnessintermediate hostposttraumatic stress disorder
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